Refund Policy

Our 100% satisfaction guarantee policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or an exchange If you receive a product that does not meet your quality expectations, please contact our support team for assistance. Our management team will review each case individually to find the best possible solution. If a refund is deemed necessary, it will be provided as store credit.

If you receive a defective product, please inform us within 7 days to allow for prompt investigation. Our management team will evaluate each complaint, and if deemed appropriate, we will issue a credit or replacement product. Please note that replacement items will only be provided for defective products. Origin retains the right to determine whether a credit or replacement is appropriate on a case-by-case basis.

In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your order, we may permit returns. For defective products or incorrect orders, we will cover the cost of return shipping. However, if the dissatisfaction is not due to a defect, any return shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer. In some cases, we may offer a refund under these circumstances.

Refunds require the approval of our management team. If you have purchased multiple units of the same item, refunds will only be granted for items that are unopened. If you are not satisfied with an opened item, please do not open additional items and contact customer service immediately. Defective products will be assessed on an individual basis. It is normal to find seeds in cannabis products; such occurrences are not considered defects unless otherwise determined by our management team.

If an item is out of stock or missing before shipment, we will attempt to contact you to make changes to your order. We will try to reach you for up to 3 hours. After that, we will select a replacement product that closely matches your original choice. If we are unable to contact you, no refund or credit will be provided for the replacement items we select.

Our support or management team may request additional evidence to facilitate the investigation of your issue. This may include asking for photos, videos, or other relevant information. Failure to provide the requested evidence may result in the denial of refunds, store credits, or product returns.